Test control of knowledge of atomic and nuclear physics students of the technical university

  • Сергій Миколайович Пастушенко National Aviation University
  • Віктор Михайлович Кулішенко National Aviation University
  • Тетяна Сергіївна Лень National Aviation University
Keywords: test control of knowledge, nuclear physics, students of technical university


A system of test tasks for monitoring and controlling the knowledge and skills of the students of the Technical University for atomic and nuclear physics has been developed. It is shown that the introduction of test technologies into the educational process induces the development of the student's abilities as components of professional competencies. For undergraduate students in technical specialties, these competencies are considered as educational, contributing to the acquisition of the following professionally oriented disciplines “Microelectronics”, “Quantum Electronics”, “Semiconductor Technology”, etc.


1. Аванесов В. С. Форма тестовых заданий / В. С. Аванесов. – М. : Центр тестирования, 2005. – 156 с.
2. Пастушенко С. М. Тестовий контроль знань з фізики в середніх і вищих навчальних закладах / С. М. Пастушенко // Педагогічні науки. – Херсон : ХДУ, 2011. – Вип. LVII. – С. 133-138.
How to Cite
Пастушенко, С., Кулішенко, В., & Лень, Т. (2015). Test control of knowledge of atomic and nuclear physics students of the technical university. Theory and Methods of Learning Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, 13(3), 142-146. https://doi.org/10.55056/tmn.v13i3.995
Theory and methods of learning physics

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