The concept of virtualization automation objects in educational and research tasks of development control systems

  • Валерій Анатолійович Жеребко Dep. Automation and control in technical systems, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, 37, Prospect Peremohy, k. 18, of. 309, 03056, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: control plant, automation plant, virtual automation plant, virtual controller, control system


The problem of using virtualization technology imitation patterns of technical control plants (CP) in the development of control programs for controller platforms (PLC) field-bus of industrial automation. It is proposed a generalized concept of virtual plants automation (VPA), which can significantly improve the quality and speed of solving system integrators design decisions in the development of automated control systems in teaching process and in the industrial sector. The structural elements of the VPA is virtual hardware automation and virtual simulation model of CP. An example of the introduction of the concept of teaching VPA – flax methodological field of technical university. As a means of drafting VPA in laboratory workshops offered utilized high-speed free software simulator PLC and programming language BASIC for CP. As an extension of the proposed concept is proposed virtualizated distributed control system, with members from several separate VPA and a virtual controller.


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How to Cite
Жеребко, В. (2018). The concept of virtualization automation objects in educational and research tasks of development control systems. Theory and Methods of Learning Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, 13(2), 294-303.
Theory and methods of e-learning