The use of mathematical packages for informatics training of future teachers of mathematics
This article discusses the features of training in informatics of future teachers of mathematics. It is noted that modern higher education in mathematics is directly connected with the assimilation of theoretical statements, methods and tools of informatics as the basis for teaching mathematics. Using of the whole arsenal of modern research methods based on knowledge and skills in informatics enhances a level of professional activity of the mathematician-researcher and the teacher of mathematics.
The purpose of the study is the theoretical analysis and the design of individual components of teaching methods of informatics for future teachers of mathematics.
Research objectives – to determine theoretical principles of training of the teachers of mathematics in the field of informatics.
Object of study – the process of training in informatics of future teachers of mathematics. Subject of study – methods of use of the mathematical packages for training in informatics of future teachers of mathematics.
Theoretical analysis of the components of the training in informatics of future teachers of mathematics shows that students’ mastering of mathematical packages is an integral part of their professional study. The methods of training in mathematics are transformed in process of study the features of systems of computer mathematics. The analysis of using by students of the mathematical packages during practice in schools makes it possible to conclude that students’ mastering of a wide range of systems of computer algebra and geometry improves the quality of their teaching mathematics in secondary schools.
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