Possibilities of using interdisciplinary connections of physics and humanities in aesthetic education of schoolchildren
The article is devoted to revealing relations between science and art. The possibility of improving the educational process through implementation of interdisciplinary connections between physics and music is considered. The idea of using interdisciplinary connections in educational process leads to a more effective learning, because during this several educational tasks are being solved. The integrity of the scientific picture of the world is being formed, it means that sciences should not be taught in isolation – it leads to narrow specialization and poor development of outlook. Implementation of interdisciplinary connections provides the formation of holistic understanding of natural phenomena, making schoolchildren knowledge deeper.
Purpose: to develop a method of teaching the topic “Oscillations and waves” in secondary school with the implementation of interdisciplinary connections of physics and musical acoustics.
Objectives: 1) to extend the previous understanding of the nature of sound; 2) to find out which physical phenomena occur when playing the violin; 3) to consider the nature of interdisciplinary connections and their impact on the effectiveness of mastering school material.
Object of research: the process of implementation of interdisciplinary connections in secondary school.
Subject of research: deepening knowledge of acoustics by examining musical sounds, their sources, and teaching topic “Oscillations and waves” in secondary school by means of music.
Results: the results were implemented in the educational process while passing a pedagogical practice.
Conclusions: the possibility of using interdisciplinary connections of physics and humanities in aesthetic education of schoolchildren was considered, the prospects of usage in teaching were revealed.
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