Application of mathematical modeling in training future engineers-metallurgists

  • Ганна Алімівна Горшкова SIHE «Kryvyi Rih National University»
Keywords: mathematical modeling, model, technological process, future engineer-metallurgist


This article discusses the possibility of using mathematical modeling in the training of future engineers-metallurgists. Emphasized that the introduction of new technologies in the development and operation of the metallurgical complex significantly increases the requirements in the basic sciences to university graduates of engineering profile. Future engineers-metallurgists must have professional knowledge and skill to possess mathematical methods and apply them in practice. As a subject higher mathematics not only allows its methods and means to identify significant linkages real phenomena and processes in industrial activity and form habits and future engineers in the mathematical study of applied problems, the ability to build and analyze mathematical models of engineering problems.

Objective: to discover the essence of mathematical modeling and show the necessity of applying this method to train future engineers metallurgical field.

Problems: 1) to signify the concept of mathematical model; 2) to provide the mathematical concepts that are basic mathematical models of real processes in metallurgy; 3) to demonstrate the use of mathematical modeling in the study of professionally-oriented disciplines.

Object of research: the process of training of engineers-metallurgists.

Subject of research: the use of mathematical modeling as a means of developing professional habits of future engineers in the research process of metallurgical processes.

Results: consider the application of mathematical modeling in the study of metallurgical processes, identified mathematical concepts, which are models of these processes.

Methods: analysis of psychological, educational, scientific and methodical literature, observation.

Conclusions: indicated the notion of mathematical model, justified that the modeling is an effective and universal method of scientific knowledge. It allows, in particular, engineer-metallurgist experimenting with objects when doing this on the real object is practically impossible or impractical; demonstrate the effectiveness of using mathematical modeling in training engineers-metallurgists.


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How to Cite
Горшкова, Г. (2015). Application of mathematical modeling in training future engineers-metallurgists. Theory and Methods of Learning Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, 13(3), 59-67.
Theory and methods of learning mathematics