The methodical possibilities of the system Maxima using in the training of bachelors of computer science

  • Уляна Петрівна Когут Department of educational institutions informatization, Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the NAPS of Ukraine, 9, M. Berlinskogo str., Kyiv, 04060, Ukraine
Keywords: bachelor of computer science, informatics disciplines, computer mathematics system, Maxima, graph model


The article presents the general characteristics of computer mathematics systems (SCM) and conditions for effective use of the Maxima as a tool for fundamentalization in the learning process of computer science bachelors. The ways of teaching of informatics disciplines using SCM are revealed. The perspective ways of development of computer mathematics systems are outlined.

The research object – process of learning science bachelors using SCM.

The research subject – especially the use of SCM Maxima learning informatics’ courses.

The research methods used experimental research and case studies;

The findings of the research – found ways to use SCM in the preparation of bachelors of computer science.

The main conclusions and recommendations – Methodical aspects of Maxima in the preparation of bachelors of computer science, revealed prospects of computer algebra systems in teaching informatics’ courses.


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How to Cite
Когут, У. (2015). The methodical possibilities of the system Maxima using in the training of bachelors of computer science. Theory and Methods of Learning Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, 13(2), 154-162.
Theory and methods of learning informatics