Analysis, features and requirements for some methods of teaching higher mathematics for students of technical universities
The modern system of the higher technical education require that the teacher creates conditions for practical training for quality education that to provide for students with an opportunity to acquire knowledge in accordance with the decision of their professional tasks. That is why the organization of the process of higher mathematics teaching requires the involvement of different methods that improve the cognitive activity of students.
Object of the research: the teaching process of higher mathematics of students of technical universities.
Subject of research: use some methods on practical classes in higher mathematics.
Research focus: to analyze some of the teaching methods that may be used in the learning process of higher mathematics of students of technical universities.
Problem research: to identify the characteristics and requirements of such methods of teaching as project method, the method of multilevel studies, case-method teaching method, in collaboration, a method of learning in groups, a method of portfolio, description of the examples of these methods require the use of information and communication technologies.
The study examines the use of ICT as a pedagogical tool and software GRAN 1, intelligent search engine Wolfram|Alpha, a system for interactive communication Piazza.
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