Promotion publications in journals included in the international scientometric databases as an element of modern scientists’ mobility

  • Вікторія Василівна Ткачук SIHE «Kryvyi Rih National University», 11, XX Partzizdu str., Kryvyi Rih, 50027, Ukraine
Keywords: bibliometric, scientometric, scientometric databases, index citation, impact factor


Research goals: to analyze the topical issues popularizing publications in international journals included in scientometric databases; to consider the regulations that govern the relevance publications scientific achievements in these publications. The main research objective is to highlight the most popular scientometric databases, such as Scopus, Web of Science, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar. The research object are the concepts of «bibliometric», «scientometric database», «index of citations», «impact factor». The research subject: promotion publications in journals included in the international scientometric databases as an element of modern scientists’ mobility. The research results: determined that the publication of scientific papers in journals included in scientometric databases allows to analyze their scientific achievements, quote and if possible to join them.


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How to Cite
Ткачук, В. (2018). Promotion publications in journals included in the international scientometric databases as an element of modern scientists’ mobility. Theory and Methods of Learning Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, 13(2), 276-282.
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