Electronic textbook in the system of study informatics in school

  • Людмила Іванівна Білоусова Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H. S. Scovoroda
  • Надія Василівна Олефіренко Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H. S. Scovoroda


The article reveals the creation of the modern computer textbook. Ways to ensure variability textbook for the student , including through structured theoretical content module, through adherence to a particular system for controlling presentation of content and practical modules for auxiliary ensure its transparency. A computer science textbook for students in the 10th grade , which requires a traditional component and ensure its integration with constructor classes (lessons) and accounting system academic performance of students.

Author Biographies

Людмила Іванівна Білоусова, Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H. S. Scovoroda
Ph. D., Head of the Department of Informatics
Надія Василівна Олефіренко, Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H. S. Scovoroda
Ph. D., Assoc. professor of the Department of Informatics


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How to Cite
Білоусова, Л., & Олефіренко, Н. (2013). Electronic textbook in the system of study informatics in school. Theory and Methods of Learning Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, 9(1), 424-429. https://doi.org/10.55056/tmn.v9i1.177
Theory and methods of learning informatics