Transformation of elements of theoretical content and workshop in studying inverse trigonometric functions

  • Григорій Вікторович Акулов National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov


We consider the problem of computing an elementary transcendental function values drawn from the outer and inner self-titled debut arkfunktsiyeyu trigonometric functions or kofunktsiyeyu. The article deals with methods that exist to produce results in the conversion form expression arcsin (sinx), arccos (sinx), arctg (tgx), and so on.

Author Biography

Григорій Вікторович Акулов, National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov
Associate Professor, Ph. D.


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Истер А.С. Аркфункция от А до Я. – К.: Факт, 1998. – 160 с.

How to Cite
Акулов, Г. (2013). Transformation of elements of theoretical content and workshop in studying inverse trigonometric functions. Theory and Methods of Learning Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, 1(1), 16-20.