The role of the information and communication educational environment in organization of independent work of primary school teachers

  • Ірина Володимирівна Онищенко Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
Keywords: information and communication pedagogical environment, information and communication technologies, independent work


The aim: to discover the essence, possibilities and role of information and communication pedagogical environment (ICPE) in organization of independent work of primary school teachers.

Tasks: 1) to analyze modern approaches in relation to interpretation of the concept of «information and communication pedagogical environment»; 2) to consider the benefits of using ICPE in organization of independent work of primary school teachers; 3) to reveal the features of independent work of future primary school teachers in terms of ICPE.

The research object: the process of independent work in high school.

The research subject: the features of using ICPE in organization of independent work of primary school teachers.

Research methods: analysis of state standards and scientific publications.

The research results: 1) was defined the essence of the concept of «information and communication pedagogical environment»; 2) was analyzed the impact of ICPE on the organization of independent work of primary school teachers; 3) were described the features of  independent work of future primary school teachers in terms of ICPE.

Conclusions: 1) using of ICPE assists for effective organization of independent work of future primary school teachers; 2) an ICPE creates the self-educational competence of students, creates favorable terms for the independent acquisition of knowledge and their effective application in practice.


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How to Cite
Онищенко, І. (2015). The role of the information and communication educational environment in organization of independent work of primary school teachers. Theory and Methods of Learning Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, 13(3), 248-254.
Theory and methods of e-learning