The role of the information and communication educational environment in organization of independent work of primary school teachers
The aim: to discover the essence, possibilities and role of information and communication pedagogical environment (ICPE) in organization of independent work of primary school teachers.
Tasks: 1) to analyze modern approaches in relation to interpretation of the concept of «information and communication pedagogical environment»; 2) to consider the benefits of using ICPE in organization of independent work of primary school teachers; 3) to reveal the features of independent work of future primary school teachers in terms of ICPE.
The research object: the process of independent work in high school.
The research subject: the features of using ICPE in organization of independent work of primary school teachers.
Research methods: analysis of state standards and scientific publications.
The research results: 1) was defined the essence of the concept of «information and communication pedagogical environment»; 2) was analyzed the impact of ICPE on the organization of independent work of primary school teachers; 3) were described the features of independent work of future primary school teachers in terms of ICPE.
Conclusions: 1) using of ICPE assists for effective organization of independent work of future primary school teachers; 2) an ICPE creates the self-educational competence of students, creates favorable terms for the independent acquisition of knowledge and their effective application in practice.
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