The use of cloud-based computing in the research activities of future engineers while learning higher mathematics
Олександра Миколаївна Потапова
Kryvyi Rih National University
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educational-research activities
cloud-oriented ICT tools
higher mathematics
students of engineering specialties of high school

How to Cite

Потапова, О. (2019). The use of cloud-based computing in the research activities of future engineers while learning higher mathematics. New Computer Technology, 17, 187-191.
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The aim of the study is to rationale for selection cloud-oriented means of ICT and the methods of their use in the research activities of future engineers while learning higher mathematics. The objectives of the study is to analyze the existing modern scientific and methodological sources and the practical work of Universities with the questions of the use of cloud-based computing in a process of learning mathematical disciplines of students of the high school, selection and experimental application cloud-oriented means of ICT in the research activities of students of engineering specialties of high school while learning higher mathematics. The object of research is a process of learning higher mathematics students of engineering specialties of high school. The subject of research is the use of cloud-based computing in educational-research activities students of engineering specialties of high school. In this work there was conducted analysis of the sectoral standards of higher school, an analysis scientific sources which explore problems of the use cloud-based computing and an analysis of the cloud-oriented means of mathematical appointment. There was determined the relevance of organisation of educational-research activities students of engineering specialties of high school while learning higher mathematics with the use cloud-oriented means of ICT. There was grounded and experimentally realised the process of the use of cloud-oriented means of ICT in research activities of students while learning higher mathematics. The results of research are can be used for organization research activities of students of technical specialties of high school while learning higher mathematics.

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