In the article deals with the peculiarities and the use of electronic educational resources, including mobile technologies in the educational process in the study of chemistry. Objective: To show the possible use of mobile technologies in the study of inorganic chemistry school course. Tasks: to analyze of electronic support study course of inorganic chemistry; to describe the existing mobile applications to study chemistry; to describe peculiarities of the developed mobile application ChemStudio. Object of research – especially the use of mobile technology in education. Subject of research – development of mobile app ChemStudio to support school course in inorganic chemistry. Research methods: carried out a survey among students, which showed that the use of mobile technology can greatly facilitate the learning process and make it more interesting. The main conclusions: 1) the use of mobile technology in the classroom will promote the study of school subjects, including inorganic chemistry course; 2) the use of developed mobile application ChemStudio is an expedient tool of electronic support for the study of inorganic chemistry school course.
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