The use cloud technology of the design work of students
Алла Петрівна Кобися
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University
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blended learning
project work
individual work
information environment
network technology

How to Cite

Кобися, А. (2019). The use cloud technology of the design work of students. New Computer Technology, 17, 46-51.
PDF (Українська)


The study is the organization of blended learning as the creation of educational projects using cloud technology. The objectives of the study is to analyze the existing approaches to blended learning using modern network technologies, developing abilities the project activity using the cloud. The object of the study is the educational process of pedagogical university. The subject of research is the use of modern technologies for the cloud of blended learning students in higher pedagogical institution. The paper analyzes, generalization and systematization of studies on the use of blended learning network technologies in education, research and organizational activities of the university, made the experimental introduction of technologies to create blended learning project skills of students using open source software and Internet resources. For evaluating the effectiveness of blended learning teaching students of higher education based on modern network technologies planned pedagogical experiment. Results of the study is planned to summarize the development of recommendations for the design and organization of blended learning based on advanced network technologies in higher educational institutions.

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