Distance learning support service for night general education schools
Юрий Николаевич Богачков
Institute of Information Technology and learning tools NAPS of Ukraine
Игорь Николаевич Закомирный
Institute of Information Technology and learning tools NAPS of Ukraine
Павел Станиславович Ухань
Institute of Information Technology and learning tools NAPS of Ukraine
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distant learning
content development
night school

How to Cite

Богачков, Ю., Закомирный, И., & Ухань, П. (2015). Distance learning support service for night general education schools. New Computer Technology, 13, 260-263. https://doi.org/10.55056/nocote.v13i0.911
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The purpose of experiment is approbation of Moodle system for support of educational process in comprehensive night school for teaching of night-school students and external students http://moodle.virtualschool.org.ua/. The task of the study is working off (polishing) of procedures of training of teachers in remote work, development of educational content and test tasks, training of pupils in remote work. The object of research – technology of distance learning. The subject of research – estimation (assessment) of efficiency and organization of distant learning in secondary schools. The method of experimental research is used. Research is in the phase-forming stage. Training of teachers in remote work and development of tests are provided. The full set of thematic tests in all disciplines of high school is created. Training of pupils in the use of testing system is being provided. Collection of information about the course of resource use is organized. Development of educational content is started.

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