International standards in the sphere of cloud computing
Юлія Григорівна Носенко
Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine
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cloud computing
information technology
international standard
open education

How to Cite

Носенко, Ю. (2015). International standards in the sphere of cloud computing. New Computer Technology, 13, 140-145.
PDF (Українська)


The purpose is to determine the initiatives of international standardization in the sphere of cloud computing. The implementation of technologies based on the concept of cloud computing in various fields, particularly in education, may contribute to the modernization of education in general, the transition to a new level, for the further development on the principles of openness and accessibility. Along with this there is a need for development of appropriate mechanisms to ensure quality of cloud resources and services, their compliance with a number of technical, technological, psychological, pedagogical, ergonomic and other requirements. In this context, the initiatives of the Joint Technical Committee of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), which now has developed standards that define terminology and typical architecture of cloud computing, is significant. Objectives: to outline the importance of cloud computing for the educational sector; to justify the feasibility of cloud computing standardization; to consider the first international initiatives in this area. Object: standardization in IT sphere. Subject: international experience of standardization in the sphere of cloud computing. Methods: analysis of the literature, web-resources, regulative documents. Conclusions: for the development of the open and accessible educational environment it is necessary to introduce technologies that would remotely operate all the necessary data. These capabilities are provided by technology based on the concept of cloud computing. With the development of cloud computing technology the functionality of electronic resources and services have significantly increased. Along with this there is a need to ensure the quality of these resources and services, including through standardization. The main objective of international standardization in the field of cloud computing is to create an environment that would provide consumers by access to services in any region of the world, regardless of the tools and technologies they use, thus providing a basis for further development of open education. The next step is to develop authentic state standards that define basic requirements for IT, including cloud technologies that would serve as a guarantor of their safety use for educational purposes.

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