On the experience of the implementation of cloud computing in the Donbass State Engineering Academy
Александр Юрьевич Мельников
Donbass State Engineering Academy
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cloud technology
higher education
organization of educational process
distance learning

How to Cite

Мельников, А. (2015). On the experience of the implementation of cloud computing in the Donbass State Engineering Academy. New Computer Technology, 13, 51-55. https://doi.org/10.55056/nocote.v13i0.883
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The purpose and objectives of the article are to describe the experience of a real implementation of cloud technologies on the example of a particular institution of higher education. The implementation of cloud technologies in the work of the university is the object of study. The activities and implementation stages of cloud technologies in the educational and administrative process are subject of research. Results and main conclusions are the list of measures and steps taken by implementation of cloud technologies in the educational process of distance learning with the formulation of the requirements for each of the participants (teachers, students, dean).

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