Cloud technologies for educational institutions
Алла Петрівна Мартиненко
Cherkasy State Technological University
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cloud technology
educational institutions

How to Cite

Мартиненко, А. (2015). Cloud technologies for educational institutions. New Computer Technology, 13, 46-50.
PDF (Українська)


Research goals: research cloud solutions that offer educational institutions leading providers in the cloud. Research objectives: to examine the pros and cons of cloud-based tools for use in the educational process of universities. Object of research: universities learning process. Subject of research: the use of cloud technologies in educational process of the university. Research methods used: analysis of publications. Results of the research. Based on the analysis of scientific publications identified the advantages and disadvantages of cloud technologies in education compared with traditional information technology. Studied cloud solutions that offer educational institutions leading providers in the cloud: Microsoft Office 365, Windows Azure Platform, Google Apps Education Edition, jParus – Educational institutions. The main conclusions and recommendations. Cloud technologies have significant promise in the education field.

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5. Microsoft Azure для образования [Электронный ресурс] // Microsoft. – 2014. – Режим доступа :
6. Google for Education [Electronic resource] // Google. – Access mode :
7. jПарус – Навчальний заклад [Електронний ресурс] // Корпорацiя Парус. – 2000-2014. – Режим доступу :