Information technologies in education: problems, current state, practical experience
Олександра Ігорівна Ордановська
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University Named After K. D. Ushynsky
Катерина Володимирівна Ромащенко
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University Named After K. D. Ushynsky
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information technologies in education
information products for educational purposes

How to Cite

Ордановська, О., & Ромащенко, К. (2018). Information technologies in education: problems, current state, practical experience. New Computer Technology, 16, 293-298.
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The aim of this study is to identify the psychological and pedagogical, design ergonomic, sanitary, technical and technological factors, which actively influence to the results of the educational process with using information technology. Objectives of the study are to analyze the current state of implementation of information technologies in educational institutions; clarification of requirements for the creation and use of electronic informational products for educational purposes, as well as the development of appropriate experimental techniques. The object of research is the educational process on physics in institutions of secondary education. The subject of research is the use of information technologies, in particular, technologies for the creation and use of electronic information products for educational purposes. The paper summarizes the analysis of the current state of using information technologies in secondary education institutions; a summary and systematic list of indicators for which it is expedient to conduct an examination of the quality of informational products of educational purposes; appropriate recommendations for the creation and use of informational educational products by relevant experimental research and practical experience have been provided. Results of the study are planned to be generalized to formulate recommendations for the use and creation of informational products for educational purposes, taking into account the specifics of the educational process in the profile school.

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