The purpose of the study is to create methodic of implementation of elements of STEM education at mathematics lessons in order to realize cross-cutting curriculum lines. The aims of the study are to analyze existing possibilities and ways of introducing of STEM-education elements at mathematics lessons and their application in order to realize the cross-cutting lines of curriculum. The object of the research is the process of students’ teaching mathematics in secondary school. The subject of the study is the introduction of elements of STEM education at mathematics lessons. The main ways are analyzed in this research and examples of integrated lessons’ themes, tasks of practical content, methodological recommendations for realization of cross-cutting curriculum lines are given. They are “Ecological safety and sustainable development”, “Civic responsibility”, “Health and safety”, “Entrepreneurship and financial literacy”. The results of the study showed that the introduction of STEM-education elements at mathematics classes will help in students’ preparation for real life, will help in competencies’ development that will solve real practical needs and this will meet demands and requirements of modern education.
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