Methodological support of teaching of artificial intelligence technologies in high schools on the basis of knowledge unification
Ігор Анатолійович Котов
SIHE «Kryvyi Rih National University»
Дмитро Миколайович Дудченко
SIHE «Kryvyi Rih National University»
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formal linguistic
knowledge base

How to Cite

Котов, І., & Дудченко, Д. (2018). Methodological support of teaching of artificial intelligence technologies in high schools on the basis of knowledge unification. New Computer Technology, 16, 36-40.
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The aim of the study is to develop methodological support for a formal structural and logical model of the unification of forms of knowledge representation in artificial intelligence systems. The paper considers the use of forms of representation of professional knowledge to automate the adoption of managerial decisions. The objectives of the study are to substantiate and develop models for using the formal linguistic approach to unify the knowledge representation in decision support systems. Theoretical development and practical implementation of a unified model of representation of professional knowledge in decision support systems is an urgent scientific problem. The object of research is the process of modeling and building intelligent systems for supporting solutions based on the use of unified forms of knowledge representation. The subject of research is formal models of the unification of knowledge representation in intelligent decision support systems. The necessity of development of unified software systems based on knowledge, for decision-making management is grounded. With this approach, each used form of knowledge representation should be considered a separate case (a particular form) of the general model. The results of the study are to develop a model of a unified system-dialectical approach to incorporation the representation of professional knowledge. The proposed structural and logical model of representation of professional knowledge can be used as a methodological support for teaching of artificial intelligence technologies in the universities based on the knowledge unification. A formal model for representation of knowledge at the level of graphs and formal language has been developed. A formal model of ontology has been created, which regulates the mechanism for constructing knowledge bases of declarative nature.

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