Global information society contributed to the development of information technology in the classroom. Cloud technology providers for educational space great features require investigation as to how to use them, and in conjunction with other teaching aids. No exception is free software that tries to take its place in the educational environment. The study aims to analyze the possibilities of switching to the use of free software through the implementation of cloud technologies in information and educational environment of the modern university. To solve this goal were problems with the analysis capabilities of cloud technologies and compare them with the possibilities of free software. Object of study – the transition to the use of free software through the use of cloud technology. Purpose of the study – the use of cloud technology to switch to free software. A comparative analysis was revealed common features of cloud technologies and free software in the context of information and educational environment. The use of open source software is fundamentally has not been studied, it’s not so much a new trend in the educational activity as psychological and social factors. Barriers to the use of free software in education is primarily distrust people to great opportunities of free software and understanding why well made software can be free. All these factors together hinder the promotion of free software in the educational community that at this stage of education is no longer acceptable. There is hope that the use of cloud technologies will make a major step in the psychological and social preparation software users to use free software.
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