The computer-oriented educational environment of higher educational establishment as an instrument of forming the professional competences for future teachers
Валентина Іванівна Бобрицька
Department of Educational Policy, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 9, Pyrogova st., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine
Світлана Миколаївна Процька
Department of Theory and History of Pedagogy, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2, Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str, Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine
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computer-oriented educational environment
professional competencies
future teacher
cloud technologies

How to Cite

Бобрицька, В., & Процька, С. (2014). The computer-oriented educational environment of higher educational establishment as an instrument of forming the professional competences for future teachers. New Computer Technology, 12, 67-76.
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The aim: the researching for potential of the computer-oriented educational environment of higher educational establishment as an instrument of forming of professional competences for future teachers. Task: to expose essence descriptions of the computer oriented educational environment in modern higher educational establishment; to describe features of forming of professional competences of teachers by facilities of the computer oriented educational environment; to consider the practical aspects of application of cloud learning technologies in the process of professional competences forming of philology teachers. Research object: process of forming of professional competences of future teachers by facilities computer oriented educational environment. Research subject: the using of the computer oriented educational environment in process of forming the professional competences for future teachers. Research methods: theoretical methods, that analysis of philosophical, psychology-pedagogical, educational- methodical and instructional methodical literatures with the purpose of determination of the state theoretical ground of problem, and also generalization of the got information, front-rank and personal pedagogical experience, in the improvement of organization of studies. Research results: Enables to carry out some theoretical generalizations. At first, the awareness of importance of upgrading professional preparation a future teacher in industry of application of the computing engineering, providing of lead through of mass compute studies of young people, predetermines on the stage of acquisition of trade education the necessity of decision of tasks of studies of computer deed, acquisition of professional competences, specific qualities of user of various facilities of informatics, and computing engineering. Secondly, use of potential possibilities of the computer oriented environment of studies as for future teachers will give the mean of forming of professional competences possibility them in the process of implementation of professional tasks to realize not only informatively technological but also psychology-pedagogical aims which will show out the process of school education on a high-quality new innovative level, will provide personality development of student's young people. Conclusions and recommendations: will point future research on development of the computer oriented methodic of forming the professional competences for future teachers in philology in the educational process of higher educational establishment.

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