Computer mathematics system as part of mobile learning environment in higher mathematics
Марія Алімівна Кислова
Kryvyi Rih College of National Aviation University
Ганна Алімівна Горшкова
Kryvyi Rih humanitarian and technical liceum # 129
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mobile learning environment
computer mathematics system
cloud technologies

How to Cite

Кислова, М., & Горшкова, Г. (2017). Computer mathematics system as part of mobile learning environment in higher mathematics. New Computer Technology, 15, 197-200.
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The aim of study is to design a mobile learning environment in higher mathematics and the justification for the use of its computer systems mathematics (CSM). Objectives: analysis of characteristics CSM, review of existing CSM, CSM considered choice among those that can be used in mobile learning environment in higher mathematics. Object of study: higher mathematics teaching of future specialists. Purpose of the study: design of mobile learning environment in higher mathematics for training of future professionals. To solve the tasks used the following methods: theoretical analysis, synthesis, systematization of scientific and methodological sources on the study; research and analysis of modern ICT for learning higher mathematics to highlight the theoretical foundations of research, Internet resources, software to study the components of a mobile learning environment in higher mathematics; empirical: diagnostic (targeted teaching observation, interviews with teachers and students, surveys, testing, analysis of the experience of teachers on the main provisions of the study) for ascertaining the state of research problems; experimental (educational experiment) to test the developed method using a mobile learning environment in higher mathematics in training future professionals; statistics: for quantitative and qualitative analysis of study results developed technique. Results of the study is planned to summarize for professional training at different specialties.

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