Modeling of profile creative scientific learning of high school students
Анатолій Іванович Сологуб
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
Антон Анатолійович Сологуб
Academy of international cooperation in creative pedagogy
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informatization of education
profile creative learning

How to Cite

Сологуб, А., & Сологуб, А. (2017). Modeling of profile creative scientific learning of high school students. New Computer Technology, 15, 35-41.
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The aim of this study is to determine the modeling nature of profile creative scientific learning of high school students as a method. Objectives of the study are to encourage the relevant to model content of profile creative learning, learning management model of profile creative learning, model of interaction between teacher-researcher are student-researcher, model of the creative profile learning structure. The object of research is profile learning of scientific subjects in high school. The subject of research is creative profile learning of lyceum pupils. In the work the stages of modeling and design of a new type educational institution – scientific lyceum – are highlighted; the features of the organization of learning in lyceum based on the Concept of creative education. Results of the study is planned to summarize for the recommendation development to introduce modeling in the activity design of secondary schools.

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