Work of Information Services of traditional and new media as a material for improving the overall competence of young professionals (technical and organizational aspects)

  • Ігор Володимирович Степура Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine named after H. Kostiuk
Keywords: technical means of training (TMT), television-satellite technology of content delivery, convergence of mass media, Internet, television, Radio


The article refers to the feasibility of satellite communication technologies in the educational and scientific work to extend the competence of pupils, students and researchers, to enhance the process of developing a professional source which serves review of printed materials and media of these countries (the Internet and television-satellite technology). The major theoretical principle of their use is the principle of convergence of information technologies in mass media and the practical organization of complex units to work with the multimedia technology of different origin.

Author Biography

Ігор Володимирович Степура, Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine named after H. Kostiuk
senior laboratorian of Laboratory of Cognitive Psychology


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How to Cite
Степура, І. (2014). Work of Information Services of traditional and new media as a material for improving the overall competence of young professionals (technical and organizational aspects). Theory and Methods of E-Learning, 4(1), 261-266.