Technique of solving logic problems

  • Анастасія Миколаївна Рашевська Kryvyi Rih natural-scientific lyceum, 32A, Meleshkina str., Kryvyi Rih, 50071, Ukraine
Keywords: logic, mathematical logic


Actuality of the theme is determined by the need to study the subject of logic in teaching in specialized schools, and the ability to solve logical problems by various methods, compare them and choose the method that will help get the right result faster than others. The ability to solve logic puzzles teach students to correctly determine the conditions of the problem, logical expressions and to correlate them and compare, to come to the correct conclusion using the data problems and their solutions. In this context, the object of the article is logical problems, and the subject the article is mathematical logic.

The purpose of the article is to review and analyze solving some logical problems through different methods. For the purpose, the main objective of the article is to determine the most rational method for solving logical problems. The study examined the following methods of solving logical problems as method arguments, the method of tables and flowcharts method.


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How to Cite
Рашевська, А. (2015). Technique of solving logic problems. Theory and Methods of Learning Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, 13(2), 34-41.
Theory and methods of learning mathematics