The Use of Information Technology to Form Cognitive Interests of Students as Part of the Modern Teacher Activity
Наталя Василівна Житєньова
Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H. S. Scovoroda
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How to Cite

Житєньова, Н. (2013). The Use of Information Technology to Form Cognitive Interests of Students as Part of the Modern Teacher Activity. New Computer Technology, 5(1), 33-34.
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Today, thanks to the computer, the teacher is able to focus not on a detailed verbal explanation of the move process, its laws, which traditionally takes away most of the time the lesson, but on the explanations and comments to observed on the computer screen multimedia model of the object of study. For the modern student it is easy to associate such virtual model with reality. And his interest to work with a computer naturally develops into cognitive interest.

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